What Makes Us Human?- Pea Restall
Friday 23 November 2012 Rhyl Arts Centre 10am – 4pm
Rhyl Library Arts Centre, Church Street, Rhyl, LL18 3AA
Tel: 01745 882523 / 353814
Pea Restall will lead a hands on clay workshop in creating figures in clay. Throughout our lives, our bodies and minds constantly change and you will be able to consider this through creating and altering the human form in clay. Clay is a wonderful, malleable material and will allow you to create realistic or abstracted figures, and through modelling, altering, distorting, adding or removing elements of the body, you will consider 'What makes us human?' No previous experience required, all materials provided. Please wear suitable work wear. There will be a small additional charge if you would like to have your work fired for collection later.
Contact Pea J Restall at potterypea@aol.com